Google API keys

Create an API project in the Google APIs Console

Follow these steps to create or modify a project for your application in the Google APIs Console and register for the Maps & Youtube API.

  1. In a browser, navigate to the Google APIs Console.
    • If you haven’t used the Google APIs Console before, you’re prompted to create a project that you use to track your usage of the Google Maps and Youtube Android API. Click Create Project; the Console creates a new project called API Project. On the next page, this name appears in the upper left hand corner. To rename or otherwise manage the project, click on its name.
    • If you’re already using the Google APIs Console, you will immediately see a list of your existing projects and the available services. It’s still a good idea to use a new project for Google Maps and Youtube Android API, so select the project name in the upper left hand corner and then click Create.
  2. You should see a list of APIs and services in the main window. If you don’t, select Library from the left navigation bar.
  3. Now search the list of services for Google Maps Android API and/or Youtube Data API and select it.
  4. You should now see the API’s screen. If you see an ‘Enable’ button, click it (otherwise if you see a ‘disable’ button the API is enabled by default). clicking enable may display the API Terms of Service, make sure to accept and agree to these.

Obtain a Google API key

If your application is registered with the Google Maps Android API service and the Youtube Data API v3 Service, then you can request an API key. It’s possible to register more than one key per project.

  1. Navigate to your project in the Google APIs Console.
  2. In the Dashboard tab, verify that the “Google Maps Android API”, “Youtube Data API V3” are enabled.
  3. In the left navigation bar, go to the Credentials tab.
  4. In the resulting page, click Create Credential > API Key
  5. Copy the API key and click save. Your API key looks like this:

Now you have an API key that we can use